How You Can Support Neurodiverse Employees at Your Business

We often think of race, sexual orientation, physical disability, and gender when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. But what about cognitive and mental diversity? According to a study, around 15% of people worldwide are neurodivergent. This could include people in your workplace.

Although neurodiversity is a part of the ADA, it can be challenging for neurodiverse people to feel welcomed and safe at work. This is why business owners and entrepreneurs must support individuals them. 

The Cleveland Clinic defines neurodivergent as a person whose brain has differences that affect how it works. This means that they have varying strengths and challenges compared to people with brains that don’t have these differences. Some conditions affecting neurodiverse people include learning disorders, medical conditions, and mental disorders.

Although we’ve all worked with individuals with different conditions, such as autism and ADHD, we may not have the necessary skills to create an environment that enables them to exhibit their best selves. This is why businesses must include neurodiversity in their DEI plans.

Building Inclusivity in the Workplace


If you have a manager or co-worker who works with a neurodivergent individual, they must be trained to practice compassionate communication and active listening. I typically suggest organizing team talks to help solve issues related to inclusivity. But, for individuals, being the only one who has a specific identity at the table can be isolating.

Having one-on-one conversations with a person who can listen to your concerns is also beneficial for individuals. A manager can be a great ally or partner because they’re responsible for listening to their staff members’ needs and have the authority to make changes to the organization’s policies.


One of the most important factors that businesses can consider when it comes to creating an environment inclusive of neurodiverse individuals is the availability of dynamic spaces. This can be done by creating different work areas that accommodate different needs.

Having a variety of work areas that accommodate different needs can help employees feel more comfortable and motivated. It can also help neurodiverse individuals connect with their colleagues and improve their performance. Creating dynamic spaces can help employees feel like they have a good working environment.

The goal is to create environments that support and encourage workers with varying working styles to perform at their best. Dynamic physical spaces can also be an investment in the well-being of your employees.


One of the biggest mistakes that businesses and employees make is trying to categorize individuals with neurodiverse backgrounds. While it’s true that neurodiversity can overlap with other conditions, it’s important not to label people with these conditions as different.

As leaders, it’s important that we take the necessary steps to ensure that employees feel valued and included in the organization. However, at the same time, we should also avoid making them feel embarrassed or exposed.

To make sure that employees feel valued and included in the organization, it’s important that you regularly train managers and other staff members on how to approach and accommodate individuals with neurodiverse backgrounds.


When it comes to creating an inclusive environment, the first challenge that businesses face is their employees. Many of them may not understand why certain individuals have to be alone in the office while other workers are performing company functions. They may also not understand why some individuals are sensitive to the noise generated by the coffee maker.

Rather than overlooking the behavior of individuals with neurodiverse backgrounds, leaders should regularly train their staff members on how to approach and accommodate these individuals. This can be done through workshops or training sessions.

Creating an inclusive and warm work environment can help neurodiverse individuals thrive and work more efficiently. Having friends and colleagues who can support and encourage an individual with this condition can be an invaluable support system.

As you develop your DEI strategies and plans, consider how your organization can support sexual orientation and racial and ethnic minorities. While it’s important to include everyone, don’t forget about individuals with cognitive and mental disabilities. They need the same respect and inclusion.

To create an environment that’s conducive to the well-being of team members and individuals with mental and physical disabilities, you should establish a variety of physical spaces that are designed to make them feel supported. You can also train employees on how to approach and accommodate individuals with neurodiverse backgrounds.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

Common Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Although it can take a long time to find the right candidate, hiring managers can save a lot of money and time by following a process that involves careful consideration. This can help them avoid potential problems and make the most of their time. In this article, we’ll talk about some common mistakes that hiring managers make and how they can prevent them from happening.

Making the right decisions when hiring can save you both time and money. By choosing the ideal candidate for the job, you can potentially lower your turnover rate. A turnover rate refers to the number of employees who leave a company within a certain period. This means that your hiring process can be more streamlined.

Forgetting to Check References

Before you start the hiring process, it’s important that you thoroughly check the references of the candidates. This will allow you to better understand their skills and experience. Another way to identify if the candidate fits the company’s culture is by talking to them directly.

You should ask candidates to provide references, and you should also check their educational credentials. Having multiple references can help you identify if the candidate is honest in their resume. Negative or positive details about the candidate can be helpful in your decision-making process.

Not Having a Phone Interview

One of the best ways to improve the efficiency of your hiring process is by conducting pre-interviews. These interviews can help you clarify the details of the candidate’s resume and provide insight into their capabilities.

After reviewing a candidate’s resume, contact them to schedule a pre-interview. This can be a short phone call that allows you to ask the candidate to clarify their position on certain topics. For instance, if a candidate provides a list of conflict resolution skills, you can infer their application and meaning from this list, but during a pre-interview, you can ask them to clarify.

Not Being Clear and Specific in Job Descriptions

A well-written job description is one of the most important factors you should consider when hiring. It can help you identify the position’s responsibilities and provide insight into the candidate’s capabilities. Having the company’s values added to the description can also help potential candidates assess if they’re a good fit for the job.

A well-written job description is also one of the most important factors you should consider when hiring. It can help you identify the position’s responsibilities and provide insight into the candidate’s capabilities. Having the right keywords in it can help you attract the right candidates.

Not Using Technology

Various technology tools can help improve the efficiency of your hiring process. They can help make it more cost-effective and efficient by automating certain aspects of the hiring process.

You can also use social media to post job openings. In addition to applying for the position on your company’s page, candidates will most likely look for other opportunities through an organization’s page.

One of the most common tools that can help improve the efficiency of your hiring process is software that can be purchased or used online. This software can help you review and filter the applications that come through your website.

Some people still use traditional classified ads to find new jobs. However, people are more likely to search for opportunities through online platforms such as Craigslist and other classified ads.

People are also more likely to search for jobs through mobile devices. Therefore, you must have job listings included in these types of applications.

Rushing Through the Process

Follow the hiring protocol of your company to find the ideal candidate the first time. Doing so can help you avoid having to repeat the process and ensure that you find the right candidate for the job. It can also save you time and money in the long run as you can get the candidate that fits the job description exactly. Conduct more interviews or widen your search to find more potential candidates.

Not Listening to Your Candidate

The goal of an interview is to determine if the candidate fits the role and the position’s requirements. Structuring the interview into two parts can help improve its efficiency. In the first part, you will ask the candidate about their qualifications and the role. You will discuss the role and the candidate’s capabilities in the second part.

To ensure that you’re getting the most out of the interview, ask your candidates to provide you with open-ended questions. This will allow you to get longer, more developed answers. Also, by permitting occasional silence, candidates might be able to offer new insight into their skills or experience.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

Data Science Trends to Watch in 2023

The ability to collect and analyze data is becoming more important in today’s competitive environment. Companies can now gain a competitive advantage by analyzing and extracting insights from various sources.

The rise of digital transformation is forcing companies to adopt a data-driven business model. This allows them to make informed decisions and react to changes in the world around them. It helps us to anticipate and react to events that affect the established order of things.

Despite the evolution of data and analytics, the world of data and analytics is constantly changing. New technologies are being introduced that allow companies to collect and analyze more data. These innovations are expected to significantly impact how we use data and analytics in 2023.


One of the most important trends that will affect the way we use data and analytics in 2023 is the increasing number of people who are empowered to put it to work. This will allow them to perform their jobs more effectively. The rise of augmented working allows people to access and use various tools and devices designed to help them do their jobs more efficiently.

In the next few years, businesses will realize how important it is to collect and analyze data to improve customer relationships and develop new products and services. However, until the power of data-driven insights is widely available to everyone in the organization, it will not be possible to fully implement this strategy.

In practice, there are examples of how data democracy can be used to improve the efficiency of various organizations. For instance, lawyers can use natural language processing tools to quickly sort documents and find relevant articles for their clients. Retail sales assistants can use terminals to discover customers’ past purchases and recommend products. According to a study conducted by McKinsey, businesses that make data accessible to all their employees are more likely to see a positive impact on their revenue.


The cloud is a platform that enables organizations to collect and analyze data. Businesses can easily access the sources they need to improve their operations through its various services, such as subscription-based platforms and data warehouses. This eliminates the need to build their own storage systems and collect data.

As a service, DaaS platforms allow organizations to collect and analyze data. They can then use this data to create more effective and valuable insights. Usually, this type of approach is used to supplement a company’s existing data.

The ability to access and analyze data through the cloud is a key component of the democratization of data. It eliminates the need for companies to spend a lot of money on data science and technical expertise.


Artificial intelligence is expected to greatly impact how we work, live, and do business in the future. Its ability to make more accurate predictions and reduce the time people spend on mundane tasks will allow them to focus on more productive activities. This technological change will also empower employees to adopt data-driven insights.

Machine learning is the core technology that enables businesses to analyze and improve their data faster than they would manually. This type of artificial intelligence is built on software algorithms designed to improve performance.

ML and AI technologies include natural language processing, computer vision, and generative AI, which can create text, images, and videos from scratch. These technologies are similar to what we do with our eyes.


When analyzing and searching for insights, it’s important to remember that the data collected in real-time is always relevant. This allows businesses to make informed decisions and improve their operations.

Since working with real-time data requires a lot of technical expertise and expensive equipment, it can be challenging to implement. But with the help of AI and ML, we can analyze and act on data as it happens. For instance, analyzing the data from a website’s clickstream might allow us to identify which promotions and offers are most effective.

Due to the increasing number of organizations looking to collect and analyze data, the need for updated and up-to-date information will become more prevalent in 2023. This is why implementing real-time analytics and data will become the most important tool for businesses.


In addition to implementing regulations, data governance will also become a major issue in 2023 as governments around the world introduce laws designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information. Following the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other countries such as China and Canada are expected to follow suit. According to Gartner, by 2023, over 65% of the world’s population will be covered by similar regulations.

In addition to implementing regulations, data governance will also become a major issue in 2023 as governments around the world introduce laws designed to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ personal information. This means that businesses will have to implement effective measures to ensure that their procedures are properly understood and documented.

Although it might seem like an extra step, the goal is to make sure that the organizations that collect and analyze data are following proper procedures and are able to protect the privacy and security of the information they collect. This will allow them to provide their customers with better services and products.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

Expanding Your Business to a Secondary Location

If your company is thriving and growing to the point where you’re seriously considering expanding, congratulations. You’ve already beaten some of the odds.

Despite the widely held belief that only about nine out of every ten small businesses fail, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that about half of these enterprises fail within five years.

Although there are no official statistics on how many small businesses expand beyond one location, it’s widely believed that the figure is less than 50%.

Regardless of your industry, taking the risk of expanding can be daunting. There are many cautionary tales about entrepreneurs who underestimated the financial and other resources required to establish a second location.

Before you start considering an expansion, it’s important that you thoroughly consider the various risks associated with this type of growth. Doing so will allow you to avoid potential problems and maximize the success of your business.

Stick With What Works

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when planning an expansion is not taking the necessary steps to properly document and replicate the processes that helped their company become successful. A well-documented business process will allow you to easily transfer your operations to a new location.

Take Care of Your Financials

Before you start considering an expansion, you must have a realistic time frame for generating enough revenue to fund your second location. Having a sufficient cash reserve will allow you to maintain the operations of your new location.

If the first location is profitable, but you’re planning on expanding, is it possible to generate enough revenue to support the second location if it doesn’t break even as early as expected?

Stay Focused

Like opening a new business, relocating to a new location can be a challenging and diverting experience for entrepreneurs. However, it’s important to remember that the overall success of the company is more important than the location.

Getting the proper systems and people in place will allow you to expand successfully. However, it’s important to remember that overdoing it can still lead to problems. Even though it’s early in the process, it’s still important to be cautious about the risks associated with expanding.

Preserve Company Culture

One of the most challenging and intangible aspects of relocating to a new location is maintaining the company culture.

There are various ways that a company can maintain its culture in multiple locations. Most often, a founder, partner, or trusted employee will relocate to the new office and head up the new culture. Doing so will allow the company to maintain its commitment to its values and mission.

One of the most effective ways to maintain a company culture is by holding regular video conferences. This can be done through the use of a variety of online tools such as Zoom. Having a company retreat can also help bring the team together for face-to-face meetings.

For many businesses, expansion is a great way to drive growth. However, it’s also very risky and can lead to failure. By following these steps, you can increase the chances of your second location being successful.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

Avoiding Burnout as a Business Leader

One of the advantages of being an entrepreneur is that you can set your hours and make your own rules. Unfortunately, this can lead to stress and exhaustion in today’s fast-paced world. Many people who start a business are also suffering from burnout. This is because they can’t keep up with the demands of running a successful business.

According to the term burnout, it is a condition that typically involves exhaustion or emotional or physical strength. It’s a real issue affecting people in today’s fast-paced and hectic world. A survey conducted by Indeed revealed that over half of the respondents had experienced burnout in 2021.

The symptoms of burnout can vary depending on the individual. Some people will experience fatigue, while others will experience depression or anxiety. Here are seven ways to stop it before it gets out of control.

Don’t Work Overtime

Most people think that working all the time is just a part of the business. However, if you’re constantly taking on additional tasks and responsibilities, you might be at risk of burnout. This can potentially lead to stress and exhaustion.

Ensure You Don’t Become Overwhelmed

If you’re constantly putting yourself at risk of burnout, you might be at a disadvantage as a business owner. If you can’t keep up with the demands of running a successful business, you might be close to experiencing burnout. One of the most important steps you can take as a business owner is to take a break from your to-do list.

Evaluate Your Performance

Although every mistake is a learning experience, it’s important to re-evaluate if you make more errors. This will allow you to identify areas of improvement and get back on track.

Define Your Hours

Many small-business owners think they must be on 24-hour work to succeed. If they do less, they might not be able to keep up with the demands of running a successful business. However, setting specific work hours can help you achieve more. According to studies, people are designed to work better when they follow a rest-run cycle. After all, if you can set your hours and stick to them, you can achieve more than most people.

Schedule Breaks

Although you’re usually expected to work hard, it’s important that you schedule breaks throughout the day so that you can recharge and get back to doing what you’re passionate about. Having a reminder on your phone can help you get up and take some time to get some fresh air. Stretching your legs or taking the time to talk with your colleagues can help you get back on track and feel more energized.

Create Priorities

Getting caught up in the endless tasks and responsibilities that come with running a successful business can lead to a lack of focus and motivation. To avoid this, it’s important that you take the time to identify your priorities and develop a strategy to get there. One of the most effective ways to do this is to hire a coach. This can help you establish better habits and manage your time more effectively.

Define Goals

Sometimes, it’s important that we take a break from the hustle and bustle of running a successful business to focus on what we’re working on. Having a short-term goal can help motivate and reward yourself for all of the hard work that you’ve put in.

To avoid burnout it’s important to spot the warning signs early to prevent it from happening. For instance, if you’re feeling like you’re running on empty, then it’s important that you take a break from the business to assess your situation.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

How Investing in a Remote Workforce can Improve Diversity Efforts

The positive effects of diversity on an organization’s performance are clear: it can lead to better decisions and innovation, and it can help improve the company’s competitive advantage. Over the past few years, various companies worldwide have started implementing policies to improve their workforce’s diversity.

Unfortunately, many companies still face challenges when implementing their diversity policies. One of these is the lack of diversity in a talent pool. This issue has become more prevalent over the past couple of years. Remote work can be a great solution to this problem.

As more companies adopt remote work policies, they must consider the importance of diversity in their workforce. Here are three ways remote work can help them realize the benefits of having a diverse workforce.


One of the most important advantages of remote work is its ability to expand a company’s hiring options. This is especially beneficial for small businesses that may have difficulty finding qualified candidates.

Through remote work, a company can also build a stronger talent pool and expand its scope of operations. This can be very beneficial when it comes to planning for the future.

Unfortunately, many companies still face challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining diverse talent. This is especially true for positions that require a certain amount of experience.


During the pandemic, the Covid employees were able to gain a deeper understanding of how they can perform their best work in various ways. Those who were able to work flexible hours were able to thrive.

Companies that adopt remote work policies can accommodate the needs of different underrepresented groups. For instance, an employee with a disability may be able to work from home with great results.

Having a diverse workforce can help a company develop and grow. It can also help them attract and retain the best talent. By providing a remote work option, they can benefit from the experiences and skills of individuals they would not typically find in a traditional search.


It’s also important that executives take the time to create an inclusive environment for all employees. This can help them attract and retain the best talent. Ensuring employees feel free to be themselves is the key to making diversity a successful business driver.

One of the most important factors that a company should consider when it comes to creating an inclusive environment for all employees is ensuring that everyone is free to be themselves.


One of the most effective ways to find new talent is by establishing employee resource groups. These groups can help support team members and provide a way for employees to connect with other organizations that are different from their own.

Although it can be challenging to create a positive work environment with remote workers, it’s worth the effort. By providing a variety of flexible work options, companies can find the ideal individuals with the skills and experience they need.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s website.

Promoting Diverse Leadership at Your Business

As the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace continues to be acknowledged by many businesses, it becomes vital that more diverse individuals are in leadership positions.

The individuals at the top influence the culture of a company. If you are committed to creating an environment that is more inclusive and diverse, then you need to make sure that the various aspects of the organization are reflected in the hiring and promotion of diverse candidates. This goes beyond just hiring individuals of color. It also includes implementing processes that will help prepare employees for leadership roles in the future.

In this article, we will discuss the various benefits of diverse representation in the leadership ranks and how you can implement strategies to improve your organization’s diversity.

Skills to Look for in New Leaders

In addition to being able to speak and understand various languages, diversity, and cultural leadership skills are also critical when hiring and promoting new leaders. These four competencies can help you identify the ideal candidate for your company.


One of the most essential characteristics of a leader is their ability to identify the various perspectives that are missing from the team. This can help them find ways to improve the quality of the discussion.


As diversity and inclusion practices within your organization change, inclusive leaders must be willing to adapt to these changes. They must take the necessary steps to accommodate new ideas and suggestions.


An inclusive leader is willing to acknowledge and call out harmful or oppressive practices being perpetuated within the organization.

How to Increase Diversity in Leadership 


Many companies require employees to take various diversity training courses throughout their careers. However, one of the most overlooked aspects of this strategy is the importance of leadership-focused training. This is because, depending on the level of responsibility that the employees have, they may have varying responsibilities when it comes to promoting and implementing diversity within their teams.

To ensure that your existing diversity training programs are effective, consider offering specialized workshops or courses designed for specific roles.


Unfortunately, many employees from disadvantaged backgrounds do not have the necessary skills to be successful in their chosen careers. This is why you must establish a workforce education program that allows employees to earn various certifications and degrees while working. This type of program can help you attract and retain diverse candidates.


Although mentorship programs are a familiar concept, they are often overlooked or underused. This program can help promote diversity within your organization by allowing employees to develop their leadership skills.

One of the most effective ways to establish a mentorship program is to pair experienced managers and executives with junior employees. This will allow them to develop their soft skills and prepare them for leadership positions.

The increasing number of diverse candidates in today’s workforce has made it more critical than ever that you establish effective diversity programs and systems in place. These will allow you to attract and develop diverse leaders.

This article was originally published on Russ Ewell’s website.

Why It’s Important for Leaders To Be Emotionally Intelligent

Most people think of intelligence as a mathematician who can solve equations or a novelist who can write great works of literature. But there are many different kinds of brilliance. One of these is emotional intelligence, a skill people often overlook. This is very important for business leaders as it allows them to manage their emotions.


One of the most important characteristics of emotional intelligence is its ability to help you understand the effects of your emotions on a decision. This is very important for leaders as it allows them to make sound decisions when facing situations that are not ideal.

If you previously supported a particular strategy, then your pride might be tied up with it, making it hard to recognize if it’s working. Having emotional intelligence allows leaders to make more rational decisions.

Understanding Your Impact

Having emotional intelligence helps people anticipate and respond to the sentiments of others. As much as we may want to think that business is objective, it is an emotional experience.

Emotions can be very unpredictable in an organization, especially regarding news. Emotional intelligence allows you to anticipate how others will react to certain situations.

Mental Health Support

Having emotional intelligence allows people to quickly assess their employees’ psychological and emotional states. This is very helpful in identifying those who are suffering from certain disorders.

Having the proper resources and support for your employees can help them recover from their mental health issues. It’s also beneficial for the workplace as it promotes a more harmonious environment.

Improving Communication

Having emotional intelligence allows people to assess the actions and words of others. This helps them determine if they are being correctly understood. This is very helpful in developing effective communication strategies. Emotional intelligence can also help you refine your messages and make them more relevant to your employees.

Emotional intelligence makes it easier for people to listen to what others are saying, which is very helpful in providing you with the necessary information.

While general intelligence is essential, having emotional intelligence is also a must for leaders as it allows them to relate to others and find solutions to their problems.

This article was originally published on Russ Ewell’s website.

Why Sleeping Well is Vital for Good Leadership

Despite the growing number of people who advocate for better sleep, many Americans still don’t get enough sleep. According to a 2012 survey, about 29% of Americans don’t get enough sleep. This figure is up from 22% in 1985, and it’s a concern for executives as well.

In 2017, a study by the Center for Creative Leadership revealed that almost half of leaders don’t get enough shut-eye.

Getting enough sleep is known to improve our cognitive performance and ward off various diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It can also help us store and process memories. It additionally helps us clear out beta-amyloid, which is a waste product.

Unfortunately, insufficient sleep can also lead to various issues such as poor judgment and lack of creativity. In addition, it can affect the performance of employees.

The Negative Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Getting the proper amount of sleep can help improve the performance of leaders. One of the first steps in addressing this issue is to come to terms with the detrimental effects of fatigue on both yourself and the people who work for you. After that, follow some simple yet effective advice to ensure that you get enough sleep.

There is a common perception that leadership performance remains relatively consistent over time. However, recent studies have revealed that managers’ abilities can be drastically different from day to day and that this inconsistency can be attributed to the quality of a manager’s sleep.

Studies have also shown that when leaders don’t get enough sleep, they are more prone to acting in an abusive manner, and they can be perceived as less charismatic. In addition, their team members are likely to become sleep-deprived.

In 2016, a group of researchers conducted a study that revealed how insufficient sleep can affect the ability of managers to motivate and inspire their team members. For the experiment, some of the students were given a normal night’s sleep, while others were given a sleep-deprived condition.

The researchers asked the participants to talk about their role as a leader, and then a separate set of participants were then asked to evaluate the speakers’ charisma. The results of the study revealed that those who were sleep-deprived were more likely to perform poorly than those who were in the control group. According to previous research, when leaders exhibit positive emotions, their team members feel better and perceive them to be charismatic.

Getting enough sleep is also known to affect our mood and ability to manage our emotions. It can make it hard to feel positive and maintain a positive outlook.

Leaders who don’t value the importance of sleep can also negatively affect their team members’ behaviors. For instance, they can make their subordinates believe that sleep is unimportant.

Leaders can devalue sleep by setting an example for their employees. For instance, they can boast about how they don’t sleep well or send work e-mails at 3 am. They can additionally encourage their team members to work during the typical sleep hours.

Employees pay close attention to the cues that are presented to them by their managers. For instance, when it comes to getting enough sleep, the subordinates of leaders who encourage poor habits tend to get less sleep than those who value sleep.

This article was originally published on Russ Ewell’s website.

How Companies Can Use Data to Advance Diversity

 Due to the rise of data-driven technology, few areas in the workplace are not benefitting from data-driven change. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives can also benefit from this increased reliance on data.

There are several things you can do to ensure that your efforts are sustainable. However, before you start implementing data-driven change, it’s crucial that you first ask the right questions and gather information. Here are some steps to take to get started.


There are many kinds of information that can be used to create a DEI program; for example, you can examine the demographic data of your employees to find gaps in the diversity, and inclusion of individuals based on their characteristics. This type of data can be found in already existing workforce records.

Although you may initially focus on one area of the organization where you can make a significant impact, be open to exploring other areas where there are gaps, for instance, focusing on the diversity numbers may not provide you with the necessary insight into the individuals leaving the company.

One of the most important steps that you can take to ensure that your efforts are sustainable is to benchmark every level of the organization. This will allow you to identify areas where there are gaps and where there is a glass ceiling.


Failing to address the problems that were discovered during the data collection process can lead to the appearance of a lack of commitment to diversity. Setting goals based on the collected information and pursuing them will show that the program is real and will help employees feel that it is supported.

Before setting goals, it’s important that you first identify problem areas. For instance, a lack of diverse leadership positions may be caused by factors such as the lower promotion rates and the lack of women and minorities in the organization.

Setting goals that are aspirational rather than strict quotas are important to creating an ethical program. In a recent ruling, the US Supreme Court stated that quotas are unconstitutional.


Although it’s legal to set a goal of increasing the number of employees of a certain race, don’t rely on the individuals’ characteristics to determine the number of positions. Instead, focus on broadening the pool of candidates and finding talent in different regions.

One of the most effective ways to expand the pool of candidates is by committing to interview a certain number of individuals from underrepresented groups. Doing so will allow you to avoid setting a legal obligation that may violate the law.

Consider incentivizing your leadership teams to complete DEI goals, which has been shown to have positive results.

Following these steps will help you establish an effective DEI program with concrete goals for improving your company.

This article was originally posted on Russ Ewell’s blog.